Friday, October 22, 2010

Waiting to Publish Gold Earrings

So I'm in the waiting time. I signed a contract to publish Gold Earrings with Tate Publishing. The book is scheduled to enter production in November (a little over a week away!).

Friends have asked me a zillion well-intentioned questions. Unfortunately many of my answers have been "I don't know".
  1. When will your book be out? (In the next 6 months, I think.)
  2. Can I get it on ebook? (Yes, I think so.)
  3. How can you remember all that stuff to write a novel? (Sometimes I have to re-read it to remember key plot or character elements)
  4. Where did you get your ideas for a book? (Gold Earrings was a short story that I wrote for a high school composition class that I expanded one summer in the middle of grad school.)
  5. How do you know what to write? (Well, I write what the characters say and do in my head. It's somewhat like writing down the elements of a movie as you watch it.)
  6. How can you write that much? (Good question!)

So anyway, I find myself in "publishing purgatory" waiting for the next big step! Keep praying and watching for my Christian historical romance novel, Gold Earrings, to arrive at and .

In the meantime I am marketing my second novel, A Time to Choose, a Civil War Christian historical romance to the mainline publishers. I'm still writing for and .

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall-Apples, Craft Fairs, Making Christmas Gifts!

This weekend is the Bell Buckle Craft Fair. Check out my article at

Gold Earrings starts publication production in November at Tate Publishing. I'm also presenting "PaperFolding 101" session at the National Middle School Association Conference the first week in November. Sounds like a wild November!

I have 15 articles on and 10 on . Check them out!