Friends have asked me a zillion well-intentioned questions. Unfortunately many of my answers have been "I don't know".
- When will your book be out? (In the next 6 months, I think.)
- Can I get it on ebook? (Yes, I think so.)
- How can you remember all that stuff to write a novel? (Sometimes I have to re-read it to remember key plot or character elements)
- Where did you get your ideas for a book? (Gold Earrings was a short story that I wrote for a high school composition class that I expanded one summer in the middle of grad school.)
- How do you know what to write? (Well, I write what the characters say and do in my head. It's somewhat like writing down the elements of a movie as you watch it.)
- How can you write that much? (Good question!)
So anyway, I find myself in "publishing purgatory" waiting for the next big step! Keep praying and watching for my Christian historical romance novel, Gold Earrings, to arrive at and .
In the meantime I am marketing my second novel, A Time to Choose, a Civil War Christian historical romance to the mainline publishers. I'm still writing for and .