My life has been filled to overflowing with marketing Gold Earrings and some family drama.
One way I have been doing this is being involved with the John 3:16 Marketing Network. The network is a Christian family of writers who encourage, support, and pray for one another. It has helped me make new friends who know more about this marketing gig than I do.
Two ways we support each other are the Book Showcase and the Book Launch. The Showcase involves members featuring other members books on their blogs, twitter, web sites, etc. The Launch involves concentrated focus (24 hours) on Amazon to help Christian books reach best-seller status on one day. Writers offer eGifts to anyone who buys the book during the launch. These eGifts can be previews of their books, free books, special offers, and almost anything.
Gold Earrings begins a Showcase on September 29 and the Launch day is October 4. If you have read Gold Earrings, you can help by posting a review on Amazon, Facebook, twitter, etc. Books are available still from me, including the Special Edition Hardback which will never be for sale through anyone but me. Amazon is already selling my novel; Barnes and Noble has it for pre-order.
Thank you for all of you who have already read Gold Earrings and replied with such kind words. You can read reviews at the "What People Are Saying about Gold Earrings " on my new website . Pictures from the first book signing at Celtic Cup Coffeehouse in Tullahoma, TN are also posted there.
September 27 is Gold Earrings Release Date. A Summer in Oakville by Lisa Likel and Shellie Neumeier is being Launched on Amazon that day. October 11, Fit for Faith by Kimberly Payne is being launched. See her Launch Page at